Melbourne 1713/87 Franklin Street
New York style loft priced to sell
Another one sold by Stuart Kennett at HARCOURTS CITY RESIDENTIAL, to discuss a strategy that works phone 03 9664 8100
Oversized loft style apartment with city views, good natural light & abundance of storageSpacious open plan living area opening to a generous balconyFour burner gas stove with fully tiled splash back, separate oven & breakfast barUpstairs study nook & great sized bedroom with natural lightBuilding facilities include a gym, pool and SaunaSituated right in the heart of Melbourne's university's precinct, minutes' walk from QV, Victoria Markets, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne Central, The Theatre district, World class Restaurants and Bars
Harcourts City Residential, your preferred Estate Agents, specialise in apartment sales & leasing, for in-depth information on Melbourne apartments for sale and other inner city apartment blocks we specialise in visit:
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or contact Stuart Kennett on 0405 223 832 or email at stuart.kennett@harcourts.com.au
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Franklin Lofts
03 9242 0331
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