APM reports – “up go apartments – down go houses”

up go apartmentsAs the year draws to a close we reflect on the real estate events and opinions we offered throughout the year. We have been discussing with most of our inner city owners that our market has been far healthier than what the press have often reported. The problem with many of the reports we read is that blanket statements are often made which don’t actually break down city v’s suburbs and houses v’s apartments. In the APM report in the link below we are pleased to see that what we were feeling and discussing was in fact accurate. Well done to all who’ve invested in Melbourne’s CBD or Inner City and to our current buyers, I hope this helps you buy with confidence over the Christmas & New Year period and well into 2012. We look forward to assisting you all in a prosperous year ahead.

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Stephanie Mackay
Over the course of six years, she gained valuable experience in various roles within the industry, including marketing, administration, and accounts for a franchise overseeing 12 offices across the North Island.
