The questions buyers bring to every property they inspect are; Will it be a good investment? Will I get reasonable capital appreciation when and if I sell?
Uppermost in people’s minds is finding a property that suits their needs, but the underlying rationale is nearly always investment potential and, justifiably so. With inflation eating away at salaries and savings, housing is one of the few commodities, if wisely chosen, that can keep the consumer ahead.
Buyers can make informed decisions once they have researched the selling prices of a large enough sample of properties. Understanding the pattern of sales activity and not buying too far above the median price for the area in which you are shopping, are all key points for making a wise choice.
The worst house in the best street is a real estate cliché. Such homes can usually be improved without over capitalizing, provided you know what prices are being achieved for similar properties in the area and don’t exceed that limit for renovations or extensions.
For further information on this, or any other property needs you may have, please contact:
Dionne Wilson Director – Harcourts City Residential Ph: 03 9664 8100 03 9664 8100 Mob: 0417 318 705 0417 318 705 Email: Web:*Harcourts City Residential has gathered this information to provide an interesting document for apartment owners and prospective purchasers. Harcourts City Residential may not have affected any or all of the transactions noted; rather we’ve gathered as much market information as possible on ALL transactions to be as conclusive as possible.
Information contained herein is gathered from a range of sources including but not limited to; The Age Property Results, The Herald Sun Property Results, Valuer General Information & Agents own investigations. All efforts are made to verify the information provided. The information is not to be relied upon or used in dealings with third parties and people should make their own investigations regarding their own property or personal circumstances. Opinions offered are just that, our opinions & observations and should not be treated as fact.
If your property is exclusively listed with another agent please disregard this communication